His untimely demise is a loss to the cultural and the film fraternity of the state," Pinarayi Vijayan said in his condolences message. "His lyrics for the movies Arabikadha, and Kadha Parayumbol will remain in the hearts of Keralites forever. His poems Valayil Veena Kilikal, Anadhan, Pranayakalam were famous among Keralites.Ĭhief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala and others condoled the demise of Panachooran. Anil Panachooran was known for his famous lyrics in movies including Arabikadha, Kadha Parayumbol, Madambi, Marykkundoru Kunjaadu, Velipadinte Pusthakam among many others. In her poetry she takes on topics such as. She lives in London and Mumbai, writes in English, has published six collections of poems, works among other things as a documentary maker in India and has shown her drawings in solo exhibitions in India, London, New York and Hong Kong. "He passed away at 8.20 pm," the sources told PTI. Imtiaz Dharker is a Pakistani-Scottish poet, writer and artist. Anil Panachooran (55), who tested positive for COVID-19, was undergoing treatment at a hospital in Kollam district and was brought to another facility here at around 7.20 pm, they said. Well-known Malayalam poet and lyricist Anil Panachooran died at a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram on Sunday night after suffering a heart attack, the hospital sources said, reported news agency PTI. He was known for his famous lyrics in movies like Arabikadha, Madambi.He died on Sunday night after suffering a heart attack.Anil Panachooran died at a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.